JAE News and Updates » shingle Archive

shingle types

Roofing Basics: Shingle Types

roofing terms

J. A. Edwards of America has featured a lot of posts about shingles, from potential sources of  damage to the history of asphalt shingles. This time we’ll take a step back and address a more basic question: What are the different types of shingles? While we won’t be exhaustive in our coverage of the topic, […]

asphalt shingles

A Brief History of the Asphalt Shingle


They are over the heads of roughly 80 percent of U.S. homeowners: asphalt shingles. For many people this ubiquitous roof covering goes almost unseen or unthought-about. Here’s a very brief history of the roof choice for most of us, the humble asphalt shingle. Why Are Asphalt Shingles So Popular? They cover the vast majority of […]