Debunking Myths About Solar Panels: A Clear Perspective for Orlando Homeowners

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Debunking Myths About Solar Panels: A Clear Perspective for Orlando Homeowners


Solar panels have gained immense popularity as a sustainable energy solution, yet several myths persist, deterring homeowners from embracing this eco-friendly technology. At JA Edwards of America, we believe in providing clear, accurate information to help you make informed decisions about solar energy. Let’s debunk some common myths about rooftop solar panels.

Myth 1: Solar Panels Are Too Expensive

One of the most pervasive myths is that solar panels are prohibitively expensive. While the initial investment might seem high, it’s important to consider the long-term financial benefits. Solar panels can significantly reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills, leading to substantial savings over time. Additionally, federal tax credits and state incentives can lower the upfront costs. In Florida, homeowners can benefit from the Solar and CHP Sales Tax Exemption, which makes solar installations more affordable.

Myth 2: Solar Panels Will Damage My Roof

Concerns about roof damage are common, but they are largely unfounded. When installed by professional roofing companies like JA Edwards of America, solar panels do not harm your roof. In fact, they can protect the portion of the roof they cover from the elements, potentially extending its lifespan. Our expert installers ensure that panels are securely mounted without compromising the roof’s integrity. Proper installation includes thorough inspections and adherence to best practices, ensuring both the efficiency of your solar system and the safety of your roof.

Myth 3: Solar Panels Don’t Work in Cloudy or Rainy Weather

Orlando is known for its sunny weather, but it does experience its fair share of rain and clouds. Contrary to popular belief, solar panels are still effective during overcast days. Modern solar technology allows panels to generate electricity even in diffuse sunlight. While they may produce less energy compared to bright, sunny days, they still contribute to your overall energy savings. Orlando’s climate is generally favorable for solar energy, with ample sunshine throughout the year to make the investment worthwhile.

Myth 4: Solar Panels Are Ugly and Decrease Property Value

Aesthetics is a subjective matter, and what some consider unattractive, others may see as a symbol of sustainability and modernity. Moreover, solar panels are becoming more sleek and low-profile, blending seamlessly with many roofing styles. Studies have shown that homes with solar installations often see an increase in property value. Potential buyers are attracted to the prospect of lower energy costs and a reduced carbon footprint, making solar-equipped homes more appealing in the real estate market.

Myth 5: Solar Panels Require High Maintenance

Another misconception is that solar panels require constant upkeep. In reality, solar panels are designed to be low-maintenance. They have no moving parts and are made to withstand various weather conditions. Routine maintenance involves simple tasks like occasional cleaning to remove debris and ensure optimal efficiency. Many systems come with warranties that cover any potential issues, providing peace of mind for homeowners.


Embracing solar energy can offer significant financial and environmental benefits. At JA Edwards of America, we strive to educate our clients about the realities of solar panel installations, ensuring they have the information needed to make the best decisions for their homes. Don’t let myths deter you from exploring this green energy solution. With professional installation and the right information, solar panels can be a valuable addition to your Orlando home.