Get Ahead of Hurricane Season 2021

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Get Ahead of Hurricane Season 2021

Home Tips, Orlando Area

Experts are predicting another very active hurricane season for 2021. The team of researchers at Colorado State University predicts 17 named storms. Of those 17, 8 will become hurricanes, 4 building up to major hurricane status. With a nearly 70 percent chance that one of these hurricanes will make landfall along the United States’ coastline, Orlando residents should make plans now to get ahead of hurricane season 2021. While we here at J. A. Edwards of America focus our efforts primarily at roofs, we also understand that roof safety is a part of overall safety during an emergency. Follow these tips to keep yourself and your home safe during a hurricane.

Make a Plan

Everyone in your household should know what to doin the event of a hurricane. This applies both to evacuation plans and to established meeting places and/or shelter in the structure.

Emergency Kit

The best time to assemble an emergency kit is when an emergency isn’t even in sight. If you wait for the hurricane to be coming before you try to put one together, it’ll probably be too late. Make sure to include light sources and back-up power for those lights; a battery-powered radio; bottled water and non-perishable foods; some cash; clothes and blankets; and everyday toiletries.

Gas Up

If you must evacuate, will your vehicle have enough gas to make it away safely? Especially during hurricane season, keep your vehicles at ¾ of a tank. You don’t want to stop for gas as you’re leaving.

Early Work

Now is the time to prepare the exterior of your home. You won’t want to do these things just before a hurricane.

Cut Back

We have emphasized before the importance of keeping limbs and other overgrowth away from your home’s roof. If you haven’t already, trim back any limbs or branches that might damage your roof in high winds. The same holds true for windows and doors.

Gather Window Protection

Store supplies will run low when a hurricane is on the way. As early as you can, gather the materials that will help to protect your home’s windows. It’s better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.


Should a hurricane come through Orlando during hurricane season 2021, you should expect some roof damage. Contact us at J. A. Edwards of America after the storm for the best in roof repair and replacement. We can help you deal with estimates and insurance claims.