JAE News and Updates » roof inspection Archive

Dealing with Hail Damage


Of all the sources of roof problems, hail is one of the most common and unpreventable. Here are some questions that you might have about hail and hail damage. What Causes Hail? Hailstones form in energetic storms with strong updrafts of warm air. The stone begins as an ice particle in the cloud. As it […]

Stop Putting Off Roof Inspection

Home Tips

The roof is always over our heads, but how often do we actually think about it? It sits up there, quietly protecting our Orlando homes from the elements, and we completely forget about it. On the rare occasion when we do give a thought to our roof, something has happened to draw our attention up. […]

Should I Repair or Replace My Roof?

Should I Repair or Replace My Roof?


It can be hard to know whether you should repair your roof or replace the whole thing. JA Edwards is here to help make sure you choose what is best for your home. Newer roofs that only have minimal issues, such as loose or damaged shingles may be able to be repaired. However if your […]

Prepare Your Roof For Hurricane Season

Prepare Your Roof For Hurricane Season


Hurricane season is ramping up again. Prepare your home and roof for the storm systems heading towards the United States. Below is a list of a few things we recommend you do to prepare your roof before a storm.Clean Your GuttersBefore Hurricane season, we recommend you clean gutters so that they can handle the heavy […]