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Roofing Myths: More Insulation Is Better


This month’s myth deals with too much of a good thing: attic insulation. Surely if a little insulation is good thing, even more would make it even better. In reality, equipping your Orlando area home with the right amount of insulation is more important than you might realize. Using too much insulation in your home’s […]

6 Sources of Roof Damage Not Caused by Weather


A lot of attention gets paid to the many ways that weather can damage a home’s roof. We’re all very aware of wind and hail, but perhaps not as familiar with other types of roof damage. Take a look at these 6 sources of roof damage not caused by the weather. Time Over time, any […]

roof insulation

Know Your Roof Insulation Options

Home Tips

A home’s roof is more than just the shingles visible on the outer layer. Each layer does its part to protect a structure from the weather and to keep the outside to and the inside in. When considering all that a roof does, homeowners should also bear in mind the contributions to a home’s energy […]

roof failure

Why Do Roofs Fail?


Weather Damage High winds. Hard rain. Hail. The average homeowner can’t do much about these weather events. If a hurricane blows through Orlando, roofs will sustain damage, some enough to fail outright. In short, weather happens. If your home is damaged during a storm, contact J. A. Edwards of America; we specialize in repairing storm-damaged […]

attic storage

4 Tips for Effective Attic Storage

Home Tips

During the quarantine, many folks have been taking the opportunity to clean up and clean out a lot of junk that they’ve accumulated over the years. Even with all that stuff gone, most people are still left with more than they have the space for. Smart use of attic storage can help. Follow these four […]